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idea for a DSi-style mixing studio

now hear me out... why would this need to exist? it doesn't, but why not. The interface would consist of the apps that the DSi Sound application comes with, such as the ability to speed up and change the pitch of the playback, play through various filters, and add in recordings to the mix + the trigger buttons being able to add in various noises. This would be adapted for an HTML webpage of course, and mapped to various keys on the keyboard, but the ways one would change and adapt the application for such use would be

  1. first of all, the DSi is a dual-screened device, and adpating the elements to a window in a web browser simply requires a little creativity. The top screen is only used for some track information, and keeping the time, pretty sure that can be integrated into the bottom screen which houses all of the interactive content.
  2. simulate the "Insert an SD card that contains music files
  3. from then on, go to straight to the screen where you can select the track that you would like to play
  4. you can select parts of the track to edit, and this would by default be asked by the pitch/speed editior application
  5. the trigger button sequence can be edited to use either preloaded sounds or the ones that the user would like to put in, basically a fun way to create music by jamming keys on the keyboard. Practical? No. Fun? Yes!

this website is janky